Appointment Request

It is quite common for people to feel overwhelmed and a bit anxious about going to the dentist. This can be due to a number of factors, including a lengthy period of time since your last dental exam or nervousness about the condition of your teeth and gums. To help assuage these feelings, Sweet Spot Smiles strives to educate our patients, allowing you to have a better understanding about any care you may receive. Being well-informed about common dental procedures is a great way to mitigate your anxiety and make your next experience at the dentist go more enjoyably!

These common procedures help Dr. Linda King and her team achieve their main goal of doing whatever they can to help repair your natural teeth and to maintain your oral health while protecting your smile. Whether you are visiting the dentist for your regular exam and cleaning or if you are suffering from a toothache, chronic ailment or other issue, our practice provides a wide range of common procedures to effectively tend to your oral needs. We look forward to giving you a beautiful, healthy smile! Some of our common dental procedures include:

We invite you to call our dental office in Locust Grove, Georgia, to learn more about our common procedures and to schedule your appointment with our talented dentist! You can reach us at 770-285-2864.

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