If you are missing one or more teeth, a dental bridge can be an excellent option to restore your smile and maintain the function of your mouth. A dental bridge is a nonremovable restoration designed to close the gap left by missing teeth. It is anchored in place by dental crowns on the adjacent teeth or dental implants, which support the artificial tooth or teeth, known as pontics. This method ensures a secure and stable fit, so you can speak, chew and smile with confidence.
The process of getting a dental bridge typically involves two visits to Sweet Spot Smiles. During the first visit, our dentist will prepare the abutment teeth by reshaping them and taking precise impressions. These impressions are used to create custom crowns that will hold your bridge in place. In the meantime, a temporary bridge will be placed to protect the exposed teeth and gums. At your second visit, your permanent bridge will be fitted, adjusted and securely bonded to your prepared teeth.
A dental bridge offers many benefits beyond simply filling the gap in your smile, including:
- Maintaining the natural shape of your face
- Preventing your remaining teeth from shifting out of position, thereby preserving your smile
- Distributing bite forces properly and reducing the risk of damage to your other teeth
- Eliminating the need for a removable partial denture
- Providing you with a durable and long-lasting solution for your smile
Dr. Linda King is committed to helping you restore your smile and oral health. If you are considering a dental bridge in Locust Grove, Georgia, we are here to guide you through the process and ensure you receive a restoration that meets your unique needs. Contact us today at 770-285-2864 to learn more about how a dental bridge can benefit you and schedule your personal consultation with our experienced dentist!